Hanlontown has some of finest parks of any community our size in north Iowa. Many families, groups and travelers visit it each year. These parks did not just happen. They are the result of countless hours of volunteer time. The parks are administered by a Park Board. For more information: Email
Main Park play ground and shelter house.
The Corner Plaza located on Main Street across from the post office is a pleasant place to stop. The electronic message board keep residents and visitor informed on community events.
In addition to our main park and the corner plaza the city has Mini Rock park located north of the museum. In 1935, after visiting the Grotto in West Bend, William Loveless built a fish pond and a miniature church behind his butcher shop. Although the shop is long gone, most of the rock structures remain. In 1967, The Blossom Belles Garden Club cleaned up the area and Mini‑Rock Park was born. Henry Doebel suggested the name. John and Malcolm Colby donated 80 rose bushes in memory of their father to the park. The gardens have disappeared over the years, but the City continues to mow the area and the church and fountain remain. |
There is also a large green space south of the rail road tracks that the City leases from the UP Railroad for community beatification. This green space is a great place for residents to walk their dogs.